Recent Work
Japuntich, S. J., Walaska, K., Yuija Friedman, E., Balletto, B., Cameron, S., Ray Tanzer, J., Fang, P., Clark, M. A., Carey, M. P., Fava, J., Busch, A. M., Breault, C., Rosen, R. Lung cancer screening provider recommendations and completion in black patients with a smoking history in two healthcare systems: a survey study. BMC Primary Care. 2024
Ferguson, E., Busch, A. M., Anderson, B., Abrantes, A. M., Pinkston, M. M., Baker, J. V., Stein, M. D., Uebelacker, L. Avoidance and rumination as predictors of substance use, mental health, and pain outcomes among people living with HIV. Behavior Therapy. 2024
Vickery, K. D., Gelberg, L., Hyson, A. R., Strother, E., Carter, J., Oranday Perez, O., Franco, M., Kavistan, S., Gust, S., Adair, E., Anderson, A., Brito, L., Butler, A., Robinson, T., Connett, J., Evans, M., Emmons, K., Comulada, W. S., Busch, A. M. Supporting medication adherence and psychological wellness among people who have been homeless and have diabetes: Pilot trial results of the Diabetes Homeless Medication Support (D-HOMES) program. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2024; 15.
Nyembo, P. F., Bakker, C., Ayenew, W., Shroff, G. R., Busch, A. M., Vickery. K. D. Homelessness, Race/Ethnicity, and Cardiovascular Disease: A State-of-the-Evidence Summary and Structured Review of Race/Ethnicity Reporting. Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports. 2023
Vickery, K. D., Ford, B. R., Gelberg, L., Bonilla, Z., Strother, E., Gust, S., Adair, E., Montori, V. M., Linzer, M., Evans, M. D., Connett, J., Heisler, M., O’Connor, P. J., Busch, A. M. The development and initial feasibility testing of D-HOMES: A behavioral activation-based intervention for diabetes medication adherence and psychological wellness among people experiencing homelessness. Front. Psychol. 2023;14.
Pineles, S.L., Ni, P., Pandey, S., Japuntich, S.J., Cesare, N., Shor, R., Carpenter, J.K., Gregor, K., Joos, C.M., Blumenthal, T.D., Rasmusson, A.M. Tobacco withdrawal-induced changes in sensorimotor filtering as a predictor of smoking lapse in trauma-exposed individuals. Addictive Behaviors (2023).
Adkins-Hempel, M., Japuntich, S.J., Chrastek, M., Dunsiger, S., Breault, C.E., Ayenew, W., Everson-Rose, S.A., Nijjar, P.S., Bock, B.C., Wu, W., Miedema, M.D., Carlson, B.M., Busch, A.M. Integrated smoking cessation and mood management following acute coronary syndrome: Protocol for the post-acute cardiac event smoking (PACES) trial. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice (2023).
Vickery, K., Busch, A., Hyson, A.R., Ford, B., Franco, M., Strother, E., Montori, V., Gelberg, L. The Diabetes Homeless Medication Support (D-Homes) program: Results from a randomized pilot trial. The Annals of Family Medicine (2023).
Nyembo, P.F., Bakker, C, Ayenew, W., Schroff, G.R., Busch, A.M., Vickery, K.D. Homelessness, race/ethnicity, and cardiovascular disease: A state-of-the-evidence summary and structured review of race/ethnicity reporting. Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports (2023).
Borrelli, B., Endrighi, R., Dunsiger, S., Busch, A.M., Bock, B.C., Markham Risica, P., Hughes, R.B., Lasater, T. Greater engagement in valued activities is associated with less barriers to quitting smoking among smokers with mobility impairments. Disability and Health Journal (2023).
Uebelacker, L.A., Pinkston, M.M., Busch, A.M., Baker, J.V., Anderson, B., Caviness, C., Herman D.S., Weisberg, R.B., Abrantes, A.A., Stein, M.D. HIV-PASS (Pain and Sadness Support): Randomized controlled trial of a behavioral health intervention for interference due to pain in people living with HIV, chronic pain, and depression. Psychosomatic Medicine (2023).
Yeh, J., Uebelacker, L.A., Pinkston, M.M., Anderson, B.J., Busch, A.M., Abrantes, A.M., Baker, J.V., Stein, M.D. Strategies used to manage chronic pain in HIV-Disease: Comparing persons prescribed opioids versus persons not receiving opioids. AIDS and Behavior (2023).
Cherenack, E.M., Stein, M.D., Abrantes, A.M., Busch, A.M., Pinkston, M.M., Baker, J.V., Uebelacker, L.A. The relationship between substance use and physical activity among people living with HIV, chronic pain, and symptoms of depression: a cross-sectional analysis. AIDS Care (2023).
Yeh, J., Uebelacker, L.A., Pinkston, M.M., Anderson, B.J., Busch, A.M., Abrantes, A.M., Baker, J.V., Stein, M.D. Anger and substance use in HIV-positive patients with chronic pain. AIDS Care (2023).
Item descriptionVickery, K.D., Ford, B.R., Gelberg, L., Bonilla, Z., Strother, E., Gust, S., Adair, E., Montori, V.M., Linzer, M., Evans, M.D., Connett, J., Heisler, M., O’Connor, P.J., Busch, A.M. The development and initial feasibility testing of D-Homes: a behavioral activation-based intervention for diabetes medication and adherence and psychological wellness among people experiencing homelessness. Frontiers in Psychology (2023).
Moitra, E., Stein, M.D., Busch, A.M., Pinkston, M.M., Abrantes, A.M., Baker, J.V., Weisberg, R.B., Anderson, B.J., Uebelacker, L.A. Acceptance of chronic pain in depressed patients with HIV: correlations with activity, functioning, and emotional distress. AIDS Care (2022).
Vela, A.M., Whited, M.C., Busch, A.M. Value, implementation, and opportunities for cardiovascular behavioral medicine: A special issue commentary. Health Psychology (2022).
Adkins-Hempel, M., Japuntich, S. J., Thomas, J., Fang, P., Harrison, K., Emery Tavernier, R. L., Winickoff, J. P., Kotlyar, M., Allen, S. Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about relapse prevention research involving Bupropion among current and former pregnant individuals who smoke. Journal of Smoking Cessation (2022).
Pinkston, M. M., Busch, A.M., Stein, M., Baker, J., Caviness, C., Herman, D., Weisberg, R., Abrantes, A. M., Uebelacker, L. A. Improving functioning in HIV+ patients with chronic pain and comorbid depression: Protocol for a randomized clinical trial testing a collaborative behavioral health intervention based on behavioral activation. Contemporary Clinical Trials (2022).
Japuntich, S. J., Adkins-Hempel, M., Lundtvedt, C., Becker, S. J., Helseth, S. A., Fu, S. S., Tidey, J., Evins, A.E., Pratt, R. Implementing chronic care model treatments for tobacco dependence into community mental health clinics. Journal of Dual Diagnosis (2022)
Gathright, E. M., Diaz Vickery, K., Ayenew, W., Whited, M. C., Adkins-Hempel, M., Chrastek, M., Carter, J. K., Rosen, R. K., Wu, W., Busch, A.M. The development and pilot testing of a behavioral activation-based treatment for depressed mood and multiple health behavior change in patients with recent acute coronary syndrome. PLOS One (2022).
Allen, S., Thomas, J., Emery, R. L., Peterson, A., Winickoff, J., Japuntich, S. Bupropion for postpartum relapse: a remote protocol for a two-arm, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial, Contemporary Clinical Trials, 105 (2021).
Winkelman, T.N.A., Ford, B.R., Dunsiger, S., Chrastek, M., Cameron, S., Strother, E., Bock, B.C., Busch, A.M.. Feasibility and acceptability of a smoking cessation program for individuals released from an urban, pre-trial jail: A pilot randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open. (2021).
Busch, A. M., Nederhoff, D. M., Dunsiger, S. I., Japuntich, S. J., Chrastek, M., Adkins-Hempel, M., Rinehart, L. M., & Lando, H. Chronic Care Treatment for Smoking Cessation in Patients with Serious Mental Illness: A Pilot Randomized Trial. BMC Psychiatry. 21:104 (2021).
Vickery, K.D., Winkelman, T.N.A., Ford, B., Busch, A.M., Robertshaw, D., Pittman, B., Gelberg, L. Trends in trimorbidity among adults experiencing homelessness in Minnesota, 2000-2018. Medical Care. 59, S220-S227 (2021).
Japuntich, S.J., Hammett, P.J., Rogers, E.S., Fu, S.S., Burgess, D. J., El Shahawy, O., Melzer, A.C., Noorbaloochi, S., Krebs, P., Sherman, S. E.. Effectiveness of proactive tobacco cessation treatment outreach among smokers with serious mental illness. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 22, 1433-1438 (2020).
Leavens, E. L. S., Ford, B. R., Ojo-Fati, O., Winkelman, T. N. A., Vickery, K. D., Japuntich, S. J., & Busch, A. M. Electronic cigarette use patterns and chronic health conditions among people experiencing homelessness in MN: a statewide survey. BMC Public Health 20, 1889 (2020).
Bloom, E. L., Carpenter, M. J., Walaska, K., Hunt, L., Keable, K., Rayani, M., Japuntich, S. J. (2020). Pilot trial of nicotine replacement therapy sampling in a dental care clinic. Journal of Smoking Cessation, 15, 1-5.
Hammett, P. J., Lando, H. A., Erickson, D. J., Widome, R., Taylor, B. C., Nelson, D., Japuntich, S. J., Fu, S. S. (2020). Proactive outreach tobacco treatment for socioeconomically disadvantaged smokers with serious mental illness. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 43, 493-502.
Busch, A.M., Louie, M. E., SantaBarbara, N. J., Ajayi, A. A., Gleason, N., Dunsiger, S. I., Carey, M. P., & Ciccolo, J. T. Effects of resistance training on depression and cardiovascular disease risk in Black men: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Mental Health & Physical Activity. 2019; 17.
Winkelman, T., Vickery, K.D., Busch, A.M., Tobacco use among non-elderly adults with and without criminal justice involvement in the past year - United States, 2008-2016. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice. 2019; 14: e180558.